Super charge your skin care with the use of advanced modalities. Take you facial to the next level utilising multiple devices each treatment to get you results!
Alginate masks
Called rubber or modelling masks these masks contain a high amount of algin from red and brown seaweed very high in minerals. The powdered mask is mixed with water to form a paste, when applied to the skin it will “mould” to the face contours and set, it then peels off like rubber. A comforting, cool relaxing experience. Plumps, firms and hydrates. Already included in the Signature & Platinum Spa facials & Signature pamper pack & upgrade to the Hydra-calm facial.
*not suitable for those with seafood allergies or claustrophobia
Galvanic therapy
Two functions are achieved; desincrustation and iontophoresis. Utilising the application of a small constant direct current using negative and positive polarity. Charged ions in the skin are either attracted or repelled from the electrodes resulting in chemical effects.
What are the benefits of Desincrustation?
Allows trapped fluid to be dispersed and to aid in penetration of active ingredients. Also used to liquify sebum in the pores and helps to soften congestion to allow for easier extraction. helps to melt micro-comedones. Can be used in the skin detox facial.
Used to penetrate active ingredients into the tissues where they act on ineffective circulation and help to improve vascular and lymphatic properties. The actual current used helps to improve functions of the cellular membranes. The result is deeper infusion of potent active ingredients. The use of Direct current is contraindicated in pregnancy, a heart condition, epilepsy, any implanted metal or electrical devices.
Direct High Frequency
This is an external application that produces a germicidal effect through ozone formation of the skin’s surface, via the glass electrode where the air sparks between the electrode and the skin and combines with oxygen. The benefits are disinfecting of the skin, drying and healing of active acne, used on acne lesions, oily skin with overall congestion to provide a drying and germicidal effect.
Steam not only feels good, it softens the skin by moistening and relaxing the tissues, allowing debris, sebum and compactions to release more easily. It also stimulates circulation, oxygenates the skin, helps clear the sinuses reducing nasal congestion. In addition, it keeps the skin and product moist while performing the cleansing step of the facial.
Not recommended on Couperose skins
Sonophoresis & Ultrasonic cleansing
Ultrasonic facial treatments have 2 benefits, aiding deeper cleansing and blackhead removal by ultrasonic vibrations of the skin spatula and infusing concentrated serums. If you have a skin type that isn't well suited to other electronic modalities, ultrasonic facial treatments can help. It works well on people who suffer from Rosacea and acne.
During an ultrasonic facial, high level sound wave technology (ultrasound) is used to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin promoting cellular renewal and repair, toning muscles, increasing blood circulation, encouraging lymphatic drainage, combating puffiness and swelling and improving skin care product penetration. This Technique can be used in serum infusions where the galvanic current is contra indicated Or non ionised solutions are used.
Professional Exfoliation techniques
Chemical peels have been used for throughout history by many different cultures as a means of exfoliating the skin. (Think of Cleopatra bathing in soured milk, being the A.H.A - Lactic acid)
Different types of hydroxy acids, enzymes can be used to improve skin conditions. Alpha hydroxy Acids (A.H.A’s) have a Keratolytic affect working by breaking apart the bonds that hold skin cells together or by dissolving cellular glue. These are from natural things such as sugar cane that gives Glycolic acid & Malic acid from apples.
The BHA salicylic can penetrate the skins follicle to soften and desolve compacted congested in the pores.
with cutaneous resurfacing, there are various options depending on the condition of the skin. Proteolytic agents are enzymes that dissolve dead skin cells by digesting dead cells, leaving living skin. (perfect on stressed skins) Enzymes such as Bromalin from pineapple, cranberry & fermented pumpkin give a clearer brighter less congested complexion.
Talk to your therapist to discuss what’s best for your needs.
L.E.D (Light Emitting Diode)
Developed by NASA in the 1990’s Astronauts found LED was able to heal cuts and accelerate tissue repair. Used commonly in other industries e.g. dentistry, physiotherapy, dermatology. In the aesthetics Industry it is paired well with treatments needing healing, calming, purification; like after peels, skin needling, blemish extractions & forms part of scar and age management.
LED benefits all skins including, Acne, Rosacea, tired, aging skin, scaring & pigmented: it helps with the softening of lines, folds and wrinkles, healthier circulation, increased moisture and radiance, accelerated skin repair, improved elasticity and skin texture, as well as stimulating the collagen process by boosting A.T.P cellular function.
LED is offered in the Dermal Lift facial to “excite” or warm up the cells before microcurrent is performed both modalities offer a boost to the cells ATP stores.
LED is offered as part of the detox facial for inflamed acne the Platinum spa facial & all of the target skin solutions.
How many treatments do you need?
The number of treatments needed varies by skin type and condition. Maintenance is highly recommended to ensure lasting results. If using LED alone with no other treatment, then treatments should be weekly.
What wavelengths are used
Blue LED(480 nm)light has been proven to have powerful anti-bacterial properties that can kill the acne causing bacteria, P. acnes. It prevents and treats acne. Blue light also helps to purify the skin, stabilise oil glands, and soothe inflammation.
Red LED (640 nm)Light therapy can reach down into all the layers of the skin where it rejuvenates, stimulates collagen production, prompts cellular repair, and increases circulation promoting a more vibrant and youthful complexion. Red LED lights work synergistically to deliver optimal skin rejuvenation. This combination of LED lights is ideal for deeper lines and wrinkles, scarring, promoting a more even skin tone. Anti-inflammatory in Rosacea & flushed skins
Is LED Light Therapy Invasive?
LED is non-invasive with no downtime, so you walk out looking and feeling great. You will see immediate results – after the first treatment the skin feels tighter, more alive due to the increased circulation, oxygenation and moisture. You will also notice a softening of the lines and folds, an increase of inner skin firmness as a result and healthy glow and skin rejuvenation.
Not just any light ray may be used to stimulate skin cells. There are harmful rays (Ultra-violet) that can burn the skin or cause skin cancer. LED is ideal for light therapy because it emits a low-level power that does not irritate or burn the skin.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is LED safe?
YES! LED photo rejuvenation does not harm the human body. The energy delivered is safe for all skin types.
How long before you can see results?
You should notice a healthy glow after the first treatment. LED boosts A.T.P in the cell, (read about this on the dermal lift page) a course of 6 sessions will enable the skin to perform at an optimum.
However, each person responds at different rates. Factors that influence this include various physical conditions, age, diet, alcohol consumption, prescription drug usage, smoking, UV exposure, exercise, etc.
Can LED treatment be used on someone who has been treated recently with Botox injections?
The light would cause no harm to the tissue, however, since it has a regenerative effect it might shorten the life of the paralysing effect of Botox, so the person might want to avoid using the light around the injected areas until the Botox wears off.
How long do the results last?
Results have been known to last for from 6 – 12 months. Top up treatments are required after the initial course for optimum results at 6 to 8 weekly intervals.
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